Possible cases of HIV infection among Covid vaccinated
10 November, 2021
Great Barrington Declaration
7 December, 2021
17 November, 2022
My son suffered the consequences of a regulation that encourages inequality between boys and girls.
After my bad experience at the British Council, a school where senseless and arbitrary "anti-covid" measures were applied, I ended up at Saint George International School where I decided to enroll my 11 year old son. What I least expected was to be confronted in this school, which had been highly referred to me, with totally discriminatory situations such as the one we had the misfortune to experience. Without half measures, being a boy at Saint George is punished.
As my son told me one day, the school imposed a ban, only on boys, to play soccer during breaks, so I asked for information regarding this rule. It’s scary to have to ask about an abuse of this magnitude, I couldn’t however just stand by without knowing why. The reply from the management was that the decision had derived from the violent behavior of the students during the practice of this activity and that it would hold for two weeks.

First red flag: The alleged violent behavior of the boys. Of ALL the boys. Precisely because of certain violent behaviors, I proceeded to report an episode that my boy had suffered with a group of girls, and which we did not want to report beforehand, because we assumed that it was a one-time event and that it would not happen again.
My son was toughly beaten by a girl on his back, on purpose and in front of a group of other girls who cruelly laughed at him while he was painfully crying on the floor. They even called him names, making the situation even more humiliating. After what happened my son grabbed one of the girls, only with the intention of making her understand that what they were doing was wrong, regardless of who it was directed at, boy or girl. In other words, girls can also be very aggressive, as this episode proves, and the ban on soccer is a misandric measure, placing children in a situation of injustice and helplessness and from which they are unlikely to learn anything positive.

The school absurdly insisted that no girl was involved in the conflicts that led to the punishment and that due to "logistics" they couldn’t punish some children and not others. No one explained the details of this rule to the students, nor was there any attempt to clarify who had been involved in the fights. My son is the first who doesn’t know what happened exactly. The message conveyed to the students, as I emphasized in one of the emails, is one of inequality and misunderstanding. Even so, the management continued to defend that boys and girls are treated equally.
Faced with the stubbornness of their argument, I made it clear that I was not willing to tolerate any gender discrimination and that I wished to file a formal complaint with the director, requesting a meeting in person. Here is when they dared to call my statements "insulting". Insulting is nothing more than the medieval behavior of Saint George's School, even more so in these times of special sensitivity regarding any issue concerning equality. Placing boys in a position of inferiority is just as dangerous as doing so with girls, hollow feminist slogans aside.

What is insulting is that they thought I was going to keep quiet and allow the violation of fundamental rights of minors with this impunity, clashing squarely against Article 14 of the Spanish Constitution, which ensures equal treatment to all citizens. Rulings of the Constitutional Court, such as the ones I have referred to, make this very clear. Unequal treatment is an infringement when differences are introduced between equal subjects, and it results when applying arbitrary rules that lack objective and rational justification.
The situation at the school is inconceivable to anyone who is watching from the outside. A center that boasts of its international vocation and of favoring personalized education and student self-esteem, cannot afford to apply rules that segregate and punish students in this way.