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In January 2019, Netflix released the documentary "Root Cause" (translated into Spanish as "Hasta la Raíz"), not surprisingly, and since we live in the era of censorship, certain collectives produced its removal from the platform a few weeks later because of "disinformation". Root Cause demonstrates through numerous doctors, how root canals are the cause of most heart attacks, many neurological problems and cancer.
You can watch the documentary below:
After this cancellation, which was followed by other platforms such as Prime Video who had also included it in their catalog, the documentary began to be distributed through other channels such as Telegram or Youtube. So, what is it this documentary displays that has part of the medical community rebelling against it?
The premise is quite simple: root canals, one of the most common treatments in dentists' offices, are the focus and origin of very serious pathologies, such as cancer, that can manifest themselves years after the procedure. Root Cause is based on the experience of the director himself, Frazer Bailey who, at a certain point in his life, without suffering from any previous illness, began to suffer from panic attacks, chronic fatigue, and erectile dysfunction, without being able to find a reasonable explanation for their cause. Bailey saw dozens of therapists and underwent various treatments without success, until, thanks to an examination with a Lecher's antenna, he obtained a clear diagnosis. The Lecher antenna is a precise bioenergetic tool named after the Austrian physicist Ernst Lecher. Lecher developed his invention at the beginning of the 20th century and it was perfected over the following decades by other scientists such as Reinhard Schneider or René Naccachian. The antenna detects changes in the energetic activity of each person at a very subtle and individualized level. In Bailey's case, he found that the cause of his problems was nothing more than an infected tooth canal subsequent to a root canal performed 10 years earlier to fix an injury caused by a severe blow to the face. From there, the filmmaker was able to begin treatment that substantially improved his quality of life.

Root Cause features a dozen specialists with extensive experience, such as biologist, osteopath, activist and author Joseph Mercola, or Dr. David Minkoff, a pediatrician specializing in infectious diseases, with extensive training in complementary medicine. Minkoff stresses the fact that there is no branch of medicine in which a damaged dead organ is left inside the body, as is the case in dentistry. "If someone has a gangrenous finger, it has to be removed," he states convincingly.
When a tooth nerve is killed, it’s impossible to completely sterilize the area. In other procedures and surgeries, all dead tissue is removed, but the entire root canal system cannot be cleaned, as there are thousands of unreachable microtubules, making the cavity a limitless source of toxins. By filling the space and preserving the tooth, as if nothing happened, dentists allow bacteria to run wild, causing infections. The blood supply is cut off and the immune system is not allowed access to the area. This medley of factors causes incredible damage in the long run. As explained very graphically in the documentary, this way of operating is closer to taxidermy than to medicine itself. The tooth (embalmed organ) blocks the natural energy channels, breaking the vital balance.
Teeth are connected to the rest of the body. More specifically, as explained by Dr. Dawn Ewing, a specialist in naturopathy, holistic nutrition and integrative medicine, author of the book "Let the tooth be known: Are your teeth making you sick?", each tooth is crossed by a different meridian; that is, there is a direct relationship between the teeth and the rest of the organs. It is essential therefore to change the paradigms of mainstream dentistry and adopt a holistic approach. Traditionally, the dentist will always try to save the tooth, but, as Dr. Ewing says, dying to save a tooth is paying too high a price. It is essential we assimilate the notion that "all dead tissue must be removed from the body".

Not everyone is affected in the same way by undergoing a root canal, as is the case with smoking for example. One person can smoke for decades and not develop cancer, and another can smoke occasionally and end up developing a tumor that kills them. However, as the documentary tells us, these procedures could be related to neurological and degenerative diseases, and to up to 90% of prostate cancer cases and 98% of breast cancers. In fact, Dr. Bradley Nelson, a chiropractor specializing in bioenergetic medicine, explains how in 95% of cases, breast cancer patients who undergo a thermographic study have red areas in the jaw on the same side as the damaged breast. The doctor in natural medicine and dental surgery Gerald H. Smith puts the percentage of health problems that have their origin in the mouth at 70% to 90%. The toxic processes that are triggered after root canals cause bacteria to spread throughout the body and cause cysts and various pathologies that can remain asymptomatic for years. Cardiovascular specialists Dr. Bradley Bale and Dr. Amy Doneen, who developed an internationally recognized protocol to reverse arterial pathologies and improve heart health (the Bale Doneen method), do not approve of root canals as they consider them a massive source of bacteria and toxins. The main cause of a heart attack, says cardiologist Thomas E. Levy, is a root canal treated tooth. Levy criticizes the attitude of his colleagues when they turn their backs on reality and ignore these signs in patients who show correct lab values. Stuart Nunnally, a dentist and naturopathic physician, cites his own study of 87 patients with well-done root canals, in which absolutely all the samples harbored toxins, in the form of bacterial waste material or remnants of bacterial structure. In another cited study, this time conducted by an American society of holistic dentists on 30,000 endodontically treated teeth, all samples were found to have evidence of infection.
The production mentions the studies of Hal Huggins (deceased in 2014), a doctor in dental surgery, master in toxicology and immunology and precursor of biological dentistry who dedicated his career to fight against dental treatments with toxic materials such as mercury. Dr. Huggins found in his research that over 50 different types of bacteria are produced in root canal treatments; about 30 directly related to heart disease such as endocarditis (inflammation of the heart valves). Boyd Haley, Ph.D. in biochemistry, also investigated these relations and the potential of nutritional supplementation to remove toxins from the body and improve the lives of sufferers. Haley devised his own system for finding enzyme blockages in the mouth that led to infections. A coordinated group of dentists sent 5,000 samples to Haley's laboratory for analysis and 100% were found to be toxic. The experiments included cross-analysis with healthy teeth from orthodontic or other procedures.

Another scientist referred to is Dr. Weston Price, a dentist who focused his career on nutrition and in the first half of the 20th century did pioneering work establishing a link between root canals and chronic health problems, including heart disease and cancer. Dr. Price discovered, by transplanting root canal teeth into rabbits, that the transplanted subjects developed the same pathology as the original owner of the tooth in 100% of cases. Moreover, when he transferred that tooth to new rabbits, up to 100 with the same tooth1, the same effect occurred. They all developed arthritis, heart defect or any same problem as the original subject. To prove that the conditions were not caused by the self-irritation caused by the insertion of the tooth, Price tested healthy teeth and all kinds of objects such as coins or small pieces of glass, which he inserted under the skin or muscle of the rabbits. He repeated the process up to 100 times and, in these cases, the animal always remained healthy. When he transferred the tooth from one rabbit to the next, the syndrome continued to reproduce. Dr. Jerry Tennant, a true humanist who practices integrative and innovative medicine through his own Institute, conducted exhaustive follow-up studies on Price's findings, discovering that a high percentage of cancer patients had an infected tooth blocking the same acupuncture meridian as the tumor site.
Taking Frazer Bailey's success story as an example, Root Cause suggests that by extracting the endodontically treated teeth, performing a thorough cleaning and injecting ozone, the harmful effects of these procedures can be fought. After these first steps, it would be necessary to replace the teeth with a ceramic bridge, a traditional prosthesis or a zirconium implant and adopt a supplementation diet that strengthens our immune system in the most natural way possible.
In the final part, Root Cause dedicates a space to another common but little-known problem for the general public: cavitations. As a consequence of tooth extractions after which a correct cleaning has not been performed and the ligament that joins the tooth to the jawbone has not been removed, a process similar to gangrene occurs, trapped in the sealed cavity which remains hidden. It is also quite common to find a cavitation near the place where a root canal was performed, since bacteria take advantage of any microfracture to nest in the bone. Cavitations are also related to neurological diseases. Fortunately, a correct treatment can also solve the consequences of this development.
What sense does it make for audiovisual giants to censor content when there will always be alternative ways to access it? Besides, documentaries like Root Cause have no other objective than to inform us about problems that affect a significant number of people, providing alternatives and opening the discussion. Answers and discourses cannot be reduced to one, and there should be no fear of changing the approach, allowing the majority to rethink the presumed truths.
Below, you can find links to the full documentary in its original version with Spanish subtitles, to the social networks of the director and all the experts who appear in the film, as well as to the reference pages of the books mentioned.
Root Cause Project: Facebook · Twitter · Official website
Full documentary: “Root Cause: Hasta la raíz”
Frazer Bailey: Instagram · Facebook · Official website
Dr. David Minkoff: Instagram · Facebook · Twitter · Official website
Dr. Greg Emerson: Instagram · Facebook · Twitter · Official website
Dr. Dawn Ewing: Official website · Book, “Let the tooth be known”
Dr. Thomas E. Levy: Instagram · Twitter · Official website · Book, “The toxic tooth”
Dr. Stuart Nunnally: Linkedin · Twitter · Official website
Dr. Lane Freeman: Instagram · Facebook · Official website
Dr. Bradley Nelson: Instagram · Facebook · Twitter · Linkedin · Official website · Book, “The body code”
Dr. Gerald H. Smith: Instagram · Facebook · Official website
Dr. Mark. E. Breiner: Official website · Book, “Whole-Body Dentistry”
Dr. Jerry Tennant: Instagram · Facebook · Linkedin · Official website
Dr. Candice Owens: Instagram · Official website
Dr. Joseph Mercola: Instagram · Facebook · Twitter · Official website
1 Weston Price Historic Rabbit Experiment | Dr. Lina García. Dental Focus.
May, 2012