Feminism is not Victimism
28 July, 2021
Sylvia Garcia bullies young girl at Pozuelo Artistic Gymnastics
8 November, 2021
8 October, 2021
The way we live has seen a drastic change in recent years due to advances in technology. The appearance of the personal computer and the internet, a significant landmark of the 20th century, has led to services becoming more democratic and a boom in the communication industries. Nowadays we are unable to understand the world without e-mails or without on-demand music or TV services; not to mention the possibility of carrying out processes with banks or the civil service. Unfortunately, the internet also casts a shadow on the physical world and censorship is freely promoted by globalist dictators and their political puppets, resulting in the West becoming a new China.
Technology is useless if it is not at the service of human beings, if it does not make their lives better and more secure. The technological companies must sign commitments to transparency and access to information, and also convey values like trust, because they have a clear social responsibility which they are not honouring.
The Human Rights are faculties inherent in each person. The 30 Rights that make up the Universal Declaration make us equal by definition and are incompatible with dictatorships, oligarchies and any system based on superiority of castes or social classes. Humanity is only safe from slavery of the dictatorial elite and of the big corporations if the Human Rights are observed.
Technology which respects individuals and goes beyond pure materialism is referred to as Humanist Technology. The opposite is Totalitarian or dictatorial Technology, and the sole intention of this is to increase control over citizens.
Technological Humanism aims to protect Humanity and prevent it from worsening through the development and use of technology which respects individuals. Technological Terrorism seeks to ruin this as a group and turn it into something completely unrelated to Humanity as we know it today.
The Totalitarian Technological Companies belong to the elite which promote evil globalism that destroys fundamental human rights and enslaves Humanity. These members of the dictatorial elite, all cut from the same cloth, (the historic Rockefeller Foundation, the Council of Foreign Relations, George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, the Bilderberg Group, etc.) spread fear and convey an idea of insecurity and lack of cohesion which has absolutely nothing to do with the reality of human beings. Globalism sets out to crush traditional values while making no effort to respect the identity or the autonomy of the people, which are clearly seen to be in increasing danger. As Nelson Mandela once said: “There is no worse system to guarantee peace and safety in the world, than an imperial rule project, because it will always bring about greater insecurity and a higher risk of terrorism.”
Trump has been one of the strongest defenders of this specific character and of the strengthening of the nation. His fight to avoid absorption or totalitarian control from globalism has, for example, led him to start an all-out war against China. By imposing severe duties, Trump has tackled unfair competition and intellectual property theft. The former president of the United States has firmly championed the promotion of local manufacturing.
In several videos recorded before his death, the recently deceased John McAfee stated that governments spy on each other; the departments within each government spy on one another. He believed that it is just a question of time before everyone else, while living in constant paranoia, starts spying on other people. He spent his life escaping from North American justice for years, charged with fraud, and he never yielded to power, accusation after accusation. McAfee lay the cards on the table for the presence of an untouchable Deep State which pulls strings from within. He did not, of course, hesitate to make clear his position as a result of the pandemic of fear that we live in. McAfee was terrified of this global phenomenon in which small businesses close, freedom and movement are restricted, the right of assembly is assaulted and borders are closed, in his own words, “not just to keep people out, but to keep their own citizens from leaving.”
Robert Kennedy Jr. has set himself up as a firm detractor of globalism, and also a defender of Trump’s views. The lawyer and activist warns of the state of authoritarian surveillance of the progressive governments in alliance with the big corporations, and of how these alliances jeopardize democratic values. He also focuses on pharmaceutical companies and tech giants, and on their forceful concentration of power. At the head of the Children’s Health Defense organisation, Kennedy fights against disinformation while protecting the weakest individuals from the threat of medicine and new biological weapons, like what is incorrectly referred to as the vaccine nowadays. These are so dangerous for our children, and are promoted by a sector of the medical community in light of this pandemic, ignorance and greed.
Those who stand up to imperialist power and refuse to blindly follow the official narrative may pay a high price for their dissent. This is the case of Jovenel Moise, president of Haiti, who was recently assassinated in his own residence. Pierre Nkurunziza, president of Burundi and John Magufuli, president of Tanzania, have also died in strange circumstances. The three were characterised by their ability to not give in to the top powers. In the case of Magufuli and Nkurunziza, they refused to vaccinate their people with the experimental drugs imposed by the West.
Cryptocurrencies, with BitCoin at the head, are one of the most noteworthy cases of this technology with regard to Human Rights. It is not by coincidence that BitCoin is known as the currency of the people. The big revolutions are taking place on the internet, and the internet is free. BitCoin breaks down borders and works on a user-to-user basis. This means it does not fall into the clutches of the banks, of any political influence or, of course, the Treasury, which is a large body at the service of the globalist elite puppets which in no way helps any country to prosper. Instead, it enslaves its citizens through taxes, which in the past led to the entire French bourgeoisie getting beheaded.
But returning to Bitcoin, the transaction process is cheap, because no-one charges commission, and safe, because the movements are controlled by real people. Companies are unable to open or close accounts or spy on our data, because the system is wisely encrypted. A free economic system which is full of advantages for citizens.
Bitcoin means money is controlled by the people, by individuals, while our freedom and our fundamental rights are respected. This is pure Humanist Technology. Hence the bad press given to it by the media, while potential consumers of this technology are terrorised with one horrific story after another.
This collective participation also takes place in a certain type of banking, which is referred to as “ethical banking”. These banks do not only operate based on market interest, they invest in renewable energies, restoring the environment or culture and operate by consensus and against speculation. We could consider this to be humanist banking. Fantastic concept.
A prime example of Humanist Technology could be humanist technological entrepreneurs. Steve Jobs, founder and executive director of Apple until his death in 2011, completely changed the concept of technology and enabled it to be used in a more democratic way. He successfully introduced personal computers to homes, meaning he was no longer a good elitist, and he changed the business model of the music industry by launching the iPod and iTunes. Nowadays we would be unable to understand this industry without streaming services and buying songs online. But don’t let yourself be taken in by this image of a national hero.
Certainly, technology has been a fundamental tool when it comes to helping people organise social movements and protests, but it has also been used as a means to violate human rights (privacy, right to information, etc.), through censorship, surveillance and the monitoring and tracking of information. Europe ensures that it uses various initiatives to fight in order for technological companies to maintain these values of trust and transparency,1 although again these are really globalist strategies to control the population (Europe in this case, of course).
Jobs’ career and his tech giant has in no way been unconnected to these violations. Apple has been accused of keeping its workers in subhuman conditions and Jobs, in particular, was known for his cruelty and classism2. In order words, Apple has also revealed its darker side and has become one of those technological totalitarian companies that they seemed to distance themselves from before. Less than a year ago, Apple was forced to deal with claims that it had violated the European General Data Protection Regulation with its ad tracking system3. iPhones track the behaviour of users by putting codes in their devices without asking for their permission. And this is not the only thing they have been accused of4. Apple has played at being God and this is why it is plagued by lawsuits for violating privacy.
One image of goodness is that which has also been used by Bill Gates throughout his whole career to build an empire disguised as philanthropy. “Philanthrocapitalism”, as it is called by Carlos Astiz, journalist and doctor of Information Sciences. “The guidelines of non-profit organisations are more widely accepted by the people,” states Astiz. Through his foundation, Bill Gates finances agri-food companies which use genetic modification or other companies which produce vaccines5. And Gates knows perfectly well that vaccines are the place to be right now. False engineers who developed software that invaded our personal computers with viruses are now devoted to contaminating the population by making them go to the doctor. The virus is different, yet the strategy is the same. This man represents values which oppose Corporate Humanism.
Social networks, with their false image of freedom, are very often the executive arm of the most rancid censorship. They constantly overstep the red lines of privacy and force us to tolerate conditions which change randomly and only affect one side. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram primarily respond badly to the revolution. Although they appear to support just causes, they normally yield to the official narrative of globalist dictators, particularly because all of them invest in these social networks. Twitter, a private company, with the excuse of “preventing messages of violence from spreading”, is permitted the luxury of closing Donald Trump’s account in what has been one of the most flagrant cases of censorship6. By making itself out to be the town square where everyone can say what they want, Twitter has become the guillotine to cut off “uninteresting” statements.
Facebook, of course, in full decline, does not hesitate to echo the recommended rules for Covid dictated by governments, but it censors any content which does not blindly support the vaccination campaigns. From comments to news links, as well as testimonies from people who are suffering the effects of this experimental genetic therapy. Facebook cares about our private life as an excuse to identify trends and sell us products, but it is not interested in us when we raise our voice. This is without mentioning that over 1 million videos of the non-official version of the Covid circus have been deleted from YouTube.
The problem therefore stems from the fact that a number of multi-millionaires want to control the world. These individuals seize technological companies and the media, and get their claws into other sectors too, like the food and energy industry, to the point where they actually try to become the owners of our opinions.
Politicians, as puppets mimicking the power of the elite, jeopardize our well-being through a hypocritical relationship in which they assure us that measures are taken to “protect us”. There is no clearer example than that of the current crisis. The excuse of Coronavirus has sped up control processes and has revealed the way in which governments are capable of doing anything to show us who is the strongest. They have encroached on our freedom by not allowing us to leave our homes or our neighbourhoods. They have determined our relationships with our families and they have forced us, with the threat of not being able to travel or access services, to get injected with an experimental medicine which is making a handful of laboratories millionaires. And this all falls under the excuse of a mere flu which over 99% of the population survives.
“Vaccine hysteria”, as it is defined by the author and professor of political science Paul Kengor, is nothing more than the effect of interested lobbying from pharmaceutical companies and the Centers for Disease Control, fuelled by enormous amounts of money for “research”.
Cristina Martín Jiménez, author and specialist in the study of the globalist elite such as the Bilderberg Group, has no qualms about describing this new situation as a Third World War. The expert convincingly states that the virus is the excuse for leading us to accept the rules of a new society which they have spent decades establishing. I could not agree with her more: a third world war in which the weapons are the totalitarian technological companies out to attack humanity.
But there is a greater power: us.
José María Lasalle is one of the authors who has driven this idea of technological humanism which I stand by. In his work “Cyberleviathan. The collapse of liberal democracy in the face of the digital revolution”, he points out that “the digital revolution is rapidly transforming the world, a world whose inhabitants find themselves being struck by a “tsunami of data”, becoming increasingly disembodied by the continued use of screens, and they are more and more dependent on artificial intelligence systems while being constantly monitored by them. This would lead to the emergence of a homo digitalis, with increasingly reduced autonomy and rights in a new digital world governed by big corporations.”
Lasalle also indicates that with time people would be more and more willing to give up their freedom in exchange for security and efficiency in their everyday lives. He warns that the risk lies in Artificial Intelligence becoming the measure for all things.
For Lasalle, the solution would be to declare human beings the centre of the new digital world and legally guarantee rights (data ownership), as well as laying down the rules of the game of the new markets which revolve around them.
Román Cendoya already mentions this homo digitalis in his work “rEvolution. From homo sapiens to homo digitalis”. We are the last link of evolution, living in a society which is hyperconnected, controlled and ordered. The identity of the homo digitalis expands through a screen, from their limited reality to an unlimited virtual area. But it is also a sick being, as this overexposure fuels addictive behaviour and idealization anxiety. Oddly enough, Cendoya predicted the end of social networks a few years ago. This end has not yet come about, although as mentioned before, social networks have become corrupted in such a way that they are no longer precisely an arcadia for communication.
So take a second to think before you retweet, like something, or voice an opinion. As said by philosopher Marina Garcés: “If we don’t take care of our ideas, technology will become poor and turn into something whose sole intention is to control. It is key to make the experience with humanities richer in order to create more interesting and freer technology. It is not as black and white as to say the issue is technology, rather the problem stems from the person who creates it, based on their interests and their vision of society and the world. This is what we must always consider as consumers, as citizens.” With very sound judgement, Garcés appeals to our responsible freedom.
We are the centre and the purpose of this Technological Humanism, by means of which we will be able to free ourselves from the Totalitarian Technological Companies. We are responsible for the technology that we buy and use. The excuse of a so-called pandemic and tech giants being seized by the elite dictatorial tyrants has dominated, misled, violated and is killing (MURDERING) humanity with a supposed vaccine. We cannot let this happen. They can’t dominate us if we don’t let them. Let’s be brave again. Be warriors once more. Fight for our rights. Let’s demand TECHNOLOGICAL HUMANISM.
Society needs to look up from its screens and start to think and value itself, because there is a risk that when it wants to do so, Humanity will no longer exist as we once knew it.
It’s up to us, to each one of us, to demand that the technological companies in particular stop being Terrorists. Let’s call for all of them to adopt Humanist behaviour and for their terms and conditions to not only observe important aspects such as privacy (GDPR), but also fundamental issues like Human Rights.