Great Barrington Declaration
7 December, 2021
Brave: A revolutionary browser for a humanistic digital world
15 December, 2021
9 December, 2022
Children victims of covid genocide
It is terrifying how a prestigious institution, such as the British Council, can become an actual concentration camp for children because of arbitrary decisions and twisted interpretations of the genocidal Covid regulations, all created by the states representing the new Nazism… as is the case of Spain.
Ever since my son was horribly stigmatized at this school last year for not wearing a mask, a medically justified condition, the situation has only worsened. At the beginning of this academic year, someone from the British Council staff entered the classroom with a stick, with which they began to measure the distance that, theoretically, my son's classmates should be kept from him while the masked ones were allowed an extra 20 centimeters. A real joke turned into an absolutely discriminatory situation. This is what my son told us, and this is what we told the school management in two emails. Given the history we came from and knowing the school’s dishonest behaviors, which as a good British institution denies all when it doesn’t suit them, we were not at all surprised when they said that nothing of what we were reporting had happened. The management stated that they only measured the distances for the correct placement of tables and lockers, with no intention of mistreating the child, "regardless of what he may have understood".

My son is a child with a strong personality and a great critical awareness. The education we have instilled in him has always been geared towards facing problems with honesty and freedom of thought. In this case, the information he gave us and the information he shared with the center is the same, and all the staff did was repeat the same patterns as the year before, including denying any discrimination against my son.
The British Council limited recreational and sporting activities according to "legal regulations", to preserve "the health and safety of its community". What regulations are they talking about? Why couldn't they even play soccer in that institution? Not only did they apply discriminatory rules against my son, but they also curtailed the freedom of the entire student body, denying them the right to breathe and interact freely. We wondered why the British Council was imposing masks in the playgrounds when, since the end of September, the Community of Madrid allowed physical activities in the open air without them. Why was a place that was supposed to be safe, being turned into a concentration camp?
The pressure was mounting, and not only because of the genocidal covid measures. The British Council was blatantly brainwashing its students and making theirs the fashionable globalist slogans: from Black Lives Matter to misunderstood feminism. We insist that my son has a mature and critical mentality, and we worried about what sort of messages he was receiving, considering we could not see or handle all the information. One of the last readings they distributed among the students was on viruses and leprosy, in the middle of the 21st century, to explain to them that separating and discriminating against lepers, to safeguard the health of the rest, was a correct measure. Jews, lepers, unmasked or unvaccinated... Does this repetitive social scheme sound familiar? Obviously, my son could not continue going to a school where they stifle the ability to reason and instill terror in children. All of this caused us to move him to another school hoping to find a place that would truly provide the freedom and creativity he needs.
Our experience is only the tip of the iceberg of all the mistreatment that children are enduring. Our children are the most defenseless victims of the genocidal plan in which we are immersed, and there have been three major weapons that the system has used against their welfare.

In the first place, lock down. Confining the general population as strictly as was done last year only made the health situation much worse, as Dr. Natalia Prego has been tirelessly explaining on many occasions over the last year and a half. Covid-19 is a condition that can become complicated if not treated in the early stages but is still just a flu. The cooped-up families suffered pathologies derived precisely from spending so much time in confined spaces and from campaigns insisting that we should stay at home if we were unwell. As a result, the immune system of millions of people was debilitated1. As far as children are concerned, we must add irreparable psychological damage, with a very significant increase in hospital admissions and cases of depression, self-injurious behavior and even suicide2. A preliminary study signed by experts from the Universities of London, Bristol, Oxford, Liverpool and York stated that the number of children who had taken their own lives during confinement was greater than those killed by covid itself3. An aberration allowed and sponsored by the political power led by the globalist genocidal elites. The reality in the case of minors is that forced confinement is occurring at essential stages for their formation and maturity. As the epidemiologist John Wright, a scholar of the consequences of confinement on children's mental health, points out, "A 10-year-old child feels confinement as a lifetime. This is having a very profound impact on their development. They are being robbed of their youth".
Secondly, masks, the superb instrument of torture. A practice with neither utility nor scientific support that can trigger hypoxia (oxygen deficiency), hypercapnia (increased CO2 in the blood) and other pathologies. Its prolonged use, especially in the case of children, can cause behavioral deficiencies and, according to the conclusions of a study that used a sample of 25,000 minors, up to 24 different ailments4.
The third bullet is a gene therapy aimed at using us as guinea pigs in real time: vaccines. Ignoring the steadily rising numbers of vaccine-associated heart conditions, which are being suffered mainly by adolescents and young adults, governments around the world continue to implement their inoculation campaigns. The next target is children from the age of 5 years5, despite the fact that even Robert Malone, inventor of the messenger RNA technique on which these drugs are based, has warned of the dangers of administering them to minors and pregnant women6.
First it was the elderly, who were denied the right to live by being locked up in solitary confinement or deemed "unviable" for hospital care. Now it’s the children’s turn, with institutions bowing to the genocidal plan, including the British Council. This time the British are not fighting the “bad guys” we have always been told about. This time they have joined them and are acting as the new genocidal globalist Nazis in pure form.