Brave: A revolutionary browser for a humanistic digital world
15 December, 2021
Why you should protect your children from the Covid-19 shot.
10 January, 2022
15 December, 2021
Segregation in the name of a pandemic
The word "holocaust" acquired a new meaning after Hitler's defeat. Today, when a historic persecution of part of the population is taking place, this word gains relevance once again. Governments that call themselves civilized are enforcing absurd, unscientific and dictatorial laws against the unvaccinated, treating them as if they were the new plague, the new Jews, the culprits of all social misfortunes. After inventing the worldwide covid scam, the globalist dictators have been twisting and modifying regulations at will, subduing the masses and using as scapegoats those who have taken to the streets and protested against injustice. What is happening in Australia is the prelude to a worldwide genocide of enormous magnitude and the harshest frontal attack human beings have ever suffered. The creation of transhuman beings appears to have finally been achieved, violating all laws and international treaties, in addition to the thirty human rights. For years now, experiments have been conducted with macaques, implanting them with human genes. The objective is to know the mechanisms of certain diseases in beings with organisms similar to ours. In 2009, the Japanese created the world's first transgenic ape. Now, red flags are starting to flare as dozens of videos and testimonies have circulated, showing abnormally advanced development in newborn babies. AstraZeneca and Janssen's gene injections, which contain chimpanzee DNA, can affect the evolution of pregnancy and modify the baby's genome. Hence this series of abnormal behaviors. Mengele's horrors brought to our present days.
In 1920 the Nazi party declared a program declaring its intention to segregate Jews and abolish their most basic rights through twenty-five points. This program was known as the Nazi Party Platform or simply the 25-Point Plan. According to this text, only true "Aryans" were entitled to enjoy German citizenship. Otherwise, they could only remain in the country as guests, subject to specific legislation. The result of this plan was the effective persecution of Jews, supported by subsequent decrees restricting their participation in public life and their access to schools and universities. They were expelled from administrations and forbidden to marry Germans. Doctors had their right to treat non-Jewish patients revoked and lawyers had their licenses withdrawn. The anti-Semitic laws became increasingly radical until the defeated were no longer allowed to buy property or attend sports centers and cultural events.
These facts, seeming so far away in time, are reflected in the epidemic of viral fear that congests our lives today, at the end of the year 2021. This is no exaggeration. This society that we thought to be advanced and with a guarantee of a fair and comfortable life, is trembling before the advance of irrationality.
- "Austria orders confinement of unvaccinated population to curtail runaway rise in infections".1
- "Austria. The unvaccinated will only be allowed to leave their homes for essential activities".2
- "Bavaria confines counties with highest incidence and restricts activities of the unvaccinated".3
- "Germany forces "sensitive" personnel to be vaccinated and Austria returns to confinement on Monday".4
- "Bayern cuts salary of players who refuse to get covid vaccination".5

These are the headlines of the last few days that summarize the latest developments of a situation that has crossed all boundaries, in the very heart of Europe. Austrian and German governments have returned to the scene of the crime, dividing their population and branding a significant portion of their citizenry as cattle, just as they did with the Jews. What a coincidence, don’t you think? They didn’t have enough with shutting mouths, literally and figuratively, to force the population to work remotely (whether you can reconcile your life with this system or not), to assume useless protocols that scorn us, to laugh at us... It was necessary to take the definitive step, that which they have not dared to admit they would do during the last year and a half: to separate the obedient from the brave.
The Nazis' appalling restrictions, which resulted in the Nuremberg Laws 6, extended the concept of "Jew" to increase pressure and safeguard the purity of the race. Complex lists defining the traits of Jewishness were published. The higher the degree someone had, the greater the discrimination he or she had to endure. Thousands of Catholics and Protestants fell into this grouping simply because their grandparents were Jewish. Even though in the 1930s this community composed only about 1% of Germany's population, Hitler considered them "mortal enemies" and, except for the interlude of the 1936 Berlin Olympics when the legislation was slightly relaxed in the face of international opinion, persecution intensified to unimaginable levels.
Germany and Austria, indebted to their recent history, are applying rules worthy of a dystopian novel, under headings such as 3G and 2G. Currently the 2G regulations apply, meaning that only people inoculated with both doses of one of the covid vaccines are entitled to lead a normal life. Leisure, culture or sporting events are prohibited for non-vaccinated people. In addition, heading 2G applies directly to any event with more than 25 people. In the so-called 2G+ rule, which would come into effect if the infected rate exceeded an illogical rate, even those who have undergone vaccination would have to present a negative PCR test. Either governments have learned nothing over the past few months, or they simply don't bother in concealing their cynicism, when according to the study, PCR tests have proven to result in a very high error ratio of around 20% - 30% of false or inconclusive results. The antigen tests that were sold as a quick and convenient way of screening, are no longer in force anywhere. "Booster" doses are being massively distributed and all those who want their lives back will have to jump thru the hoop. Until recently, the validity of a covid vaccination certificate (two doses) was one year. Austria just lowered that limit to 270 days, which means that at least every 9 months they will have to get a jab to be able to circulate in their country. Those vaccinated with Janssen (originally a single dose) will have to receive a second shot starting in January to "guarantee immunity". The federal states are taking advantage of the legislative laxity that allows them to establish restrictions, such as curfews and store closures, practically by decree.
Who would have thought that the worst of this health dictatorship would take place in 2021: the "year of vaccination". A savage dictatorship that other countries are joining. Slovenia intends harsh confinements, Portugal demands covid certificates even from vaccinated people.... The people lacking these certificates that violate the Nuremberg Code, the UNESCO Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights in addition to common sense, will be branded with a shameful bracelet. This is not just a metaphor. At universities in Hanover both students and employees already wear wristbands that attest their vaccination status. In the United States, the Immunaband has been invented, it contains a QR code with all the medical information at anyone's fingertips. A similar initiative has been carried out in Belgium: safeguard-bracelet for the vaccinated, the new elite. Marked and segregated by their own free will in the crudest way.

We stand before a real persecution, a siege that closes around anyone who doesn’t bow to the system, a system that will not stop its clockwork until it is globally installed in our minds that the unvaccinated pose a threat to the vaccinated. Control over population movements will be more "intense and consistent" than ever, as is literally stated in the document of the infection law that Germany is about to pass. Just as the Nuremberg laws were extended to other racial groups in 1935, who knows if the Chancellor's hammer doesn’t end up crushing any dissenters from plandemia. Let us remember how compulsory vaccination went in a few weeks from suggestion to obligation in countries like Italy, which resulted in protests spread across all sectors. The shadow of this dictatorship is already looming over Spain, where the right to confidentiality of health data is being violated and no one can access them without prior authorization. This has happened in Granada 8, where the Ministry of Health has provided the media with records of thousands of Granadians to point them out as outcasts, and in Madrid 9, where the data of 100,000 citizens, seemingly by mistake, were also leaked. This data included addresses or vaccination statuses and dates. Among the victims of the leak were high-ranking officials and personalities. A real Gestapo helped by the media.
The WHO is yielding the lead to organizations, such as the GAVI Vaccine Alliance and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, in the development of gene therapies that are so widespread in this new reality. Therapies that are the conclusion, let’s not deceive ourselves, to decades of planning by the economic oligarchy. Bill Gates, erected as the intellectual author of this bioterrorist panorama, acts as the new Hitler at the helm of a global medicalization program that is of great interest to the pockets of his foundation.
James Love, director of the NGO Knowledge Ecology International10, makes an important reflection on the role of Bill Gates in this whole pro-vaccine movement when he says that "in a pandemic, when there is an absence of leadership, those who act quickly and who seem to know what they are doing gain a lot of power. And that's what happened in this case, but having enormous power that affects everybody, there should be some transparency and some accountability. It's a philanthropic company, right? Can they explain what they're doing? Can they show us what these contracts [with big pharma companies like AstraZeneca] look like?" These are essential questions "especially when they're using their money to influence policies that affect our money." In his public statements, Gates takes care of upholding the message that there is no other leader better positioned than him in the fight against covid, while maintaining the opacity befitting a corrupt politician. He even allows himself the luxury of writing articles in scientific journals, as he did in April 2020 in the New England Journal of Medicine, in which he tells political leaders what they must do.11 After the publication of this column, several voices were raised against someone like Gates, with clear conflicts of interest, speaking out on issues that clearly do not belong to his field. The billionaire confirmed in the text, that the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has been preparing for years for a pandemic like the one we are suffering and that it is a priority to "accelerate" vaccines and treatments against the disease, as well as to make profound changes in the system and allocate funds to the weakest countries. Sheldon Krimsky, Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences at Tufts University, stated in response to this publication: "The least qualified person to tell me whether a vaccine is ready or not is the person who has an investment in it". Bill Gates' fortune has grown by $10 billion during the pandemic, no more and no less, thanks to his heavenly philanthropy12. The intricate structure of his foundation, and the refusal to account for it, make it impossible to know what this money is invested in or what the return is. Meanwhile, Gates breathes easy from his pulpit.
"It is obvious that a new Holocaust of great magnitude is taking place before our very eyes". This is the beginning of a shocking open letter sent in September of this year to the world's medical authorities, signed by a group of Nazi concentration camp survivors13. In it they denounce that never before have we been subjected to an experimental therapy such as that of the alleged covid vaccines, putting special attention on the irreparable damage being done to children and direct references to the past infamy of Josef Mengele. They know better than anyone when a population is being unjustly and brutally stripped of its rights, reduced to a number.
The successive "waves" are nothing more than trials, promises of a normality that never comes. The improvement of data is just another trap, the step to sell as a necessary evil the regulations that constrain us. They already locked us in, let us out in exchange for having us more controlled than ever, and now they mark us, separate us and classify us according to our ability to bow our heads. But if we keep on giving in, pricking ourselves, covering our mouths and ignoring the global genocide that the new Führer Bill Gates is provoking, we will be witnesses and Nazi protagonists of the bioterrorist holocaust of the 21st century.